Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Pls Take Care of Your Knees Leh!

Just 2 days into the week and I've received news of knee injuries (similiar to mine years ago) of a gym friend & a colleague.

Common knee injuries:

1) Fractured Patella (Knee Cap)

2) Pulled or even Torned Ligament(s)

3) Damaged or worn-out Meniscus (shock-absorber)

4) Damaged or worn-out Cartilage

The above 4 can occur all together in one injury and that was what happened to me years back. OUCH!

Once injured, the ligament is weakened, the knee cap unstabilized hence reoccurrence of injuries after recovery isn't uncommon. Damaged cartilage can also lead to Arthritis and/or Rhumatism!!!

Treatments to Injuries:

1) Less Serious Injury (a strain or something) - Reduce activities, leave knee to heal by itself (approx 2 weeks)

2) Moderately Serious Injury (like mine?) -  Restrict movement, leave knee to heal by itself (approx 2 months), rehabilitation

3) Serious Injury - Reconstructive surgery

4) Very Serious Injury - Knee Replacement (OMGosh...)

But, Prevention is better than Cure lor !!!
Preventive Measures:
1) Always wear knee guard(s) especially for vigorous workouts!
2) Train in moderation; too much of a specific workout is bad!
3) Wear sports shoes with good cushioning
4) Always be careful of your postures
Aiyo... Tsk! Tsk! People, ladies especially,

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Take It To The Lord

Last Sunday we visited 小姑姐。心里除了痛还是痛。

My heart ached at the sight of my chair bound aunt. She cried upon seeing us. My eldest & 3rd aunt must have been in pain too.

One fought hard to hold back her tears while trying to give consolations. The latter simply left the room and burst into tears.

Youngest aunt's conditions have deteriorated. Her limbs have now all failed and her slurred, nasal articulations no longer makes much sense to us.

I cannot imagine the kind of misery she is going through - to become impotent, to be wasted away in every sense by some strange illness called Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS).

But take heart! The Lord is in control.

Thank God for aunt's sister-in-law Mei Hua aunty for earnestly taking care of my aunt.

Praise Lord for my obedient & understanding cousin and his cousins, for they all continue to stay strong in Christ.

Rejoice in Christ for Ah Ma who remins faithful & cheerful in the Lord.

May these lovely people continue to reflect Christ in them as they encourage and care for my aunt.

'The eternal God is your refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms' (Deuteronomy 33:27)

'...the God of all comfort... comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble...' (2 Corinthians 1:3-4)


Monday, November 28, 2011


两天的暴食阶段,很恐怖地增了约2.5 ~ 3公斤!!!


Diet Day 1
Raw celery taste horrible... Shredded cabbages are kind of messy to eat... Perhaps we should try some other veg in the salad...


Friday, November 25, 2011


不久前在机缘巧合 + 好奇心的驱使下看了某集的《新还珠格格》,结果沦陷了!现在每晚都在10.30pm 前赶回家追戏。。。

新演员阵容,新人物(有个Ang Moh!?),新剧情,新的诠释(更白话,摩登,激情)都可圈可点。

原本我也很排斥的呀!还没看就已经否决了,毕竟先入为主嘛。但渐渐,不禁觉得这部 remake 不乏给人一种似曾相识,却颇为陌生的新鲜感~ 对那个全新的五阿哥永琪(他懂English?!)我更是越看越心仪。



Thursday, November 24, 2011

A leopard can't change its spots ...?!




Monday, November 21, 2011

Taking A Leap of Faith

I'm going on diet. Yea, again. Just this time I'm in for real but without much confidence.

Attended the “Bone Up on Joint Health” seminar organized by CNA & Parkway Health on Sat.

You know, I really thank God that my knees (no doubt in pain) were not crushed despite years of negligence.

So, I'm determined to do something for and about my poor knees (the right one especially) lest they end up having to be replaced.

And the first step is to lose weight!

After which I'm going to see a sports injury specialist or an orthopedic. Not that previous ortho specialist at SGH. He was of no help to me lor!

Diet... Sigh... Ganbarimasu ~

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Dishearten ~





Friday, November 18, 2011

Trust in the Lord for Healing...

I am very sad and disappointed that I wasn't informed of what happened.

I only learnt about it today from another friend!

Perhaps our friendship has indeed died a natural death...

I know this is not the time to sink into self-pity and lement.

The journey to recovery is long and tough but praise the Lord it started out well.

I will keep Jo & TK in prayers.

Sunday, November 13, 2011


Praise The Lord! This big fat slacker here completed and submitted her 2 assignments!

Diocesan Certificate of Biblical Studies
Old Testament Book Study 1: Deuteronomy

For this last module of Year 1, I need to do 2 questions and I chose:

3) What are the main things which Israel's king is to do, if they appoint king (Deut 17)? And how does King Solomon - Israel's greatest king - fail in this respect?

5) Why is Moses not going to be able to cross into the Promised Land? And why do we think that he keeps repeating it?

Yeah!!! Officially completed Year 1 of DCBS~ ~ ~

Monday, November 7, 2011

New Choir Gown

Alright, here's the design of the new choir gown...

I'm not sure if I should be happy that they (who?) chose black over... Erm, yellow? pearl? ivory? Anyway, some yellowish shade which risk us looking like a stab of butter on stage.

But now, isn't it too boring to have the ladies & guys all in black? Whatever lah... The main problem here is What The Heck?!
I'm supposed to pay $180 for it?! 太过分了吧?!

Couch Potato @ 反省中...

It was a wonderful day yesterday (Sat) until I decided to get lazy and "relax".

Didn't go for duty at Welcome Centre because I had wanted to do my assessments...

Watched TV, napped, watched TV, napped, watched TV, napped... The whole day on the couch.

By evening time, the couch potato grew ill. Had bad headache and felt nauseous!!!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

是可忍,孰不可忍 @ 反省中


TMD 昨天拼死活赶给她的报告,没达到所要求的标准,

也解释了(问题已经反应过 N 次,没结果),也道歉了,


